
We would love to see a photo and share the story of your special friend on our memorial page. Please email us at


Juice or orange juice came to our clinic in the middle of a snow storm Thanksgiving 2008. Despite several attempts to rehome him he always seemed to end up back here so we gave up and dedicated ourselves to his every need !. He keep us entertained with his crazy antics and often greeted clients in the parking lot, walking them to the door in case they couldn’t find their way. He loved hot towels straight from the dryer and would come running when he heard the dryer door open demanding to be wrapped in a towel. He also loved kids and “helped” with pre school tours. We never really knew how old he was but over the past 2 years we could see him aging rapidly and he finally succumbed to kidney failure in 2016. We miss him terribly and feel very lucky to have had him in our lives.


I was lucky enough to have been blessed with my “soul dog” for 11 glorious years. Abby and I had a connection from the second we met; we were meant for each other….so much so that her actual owner told me this dog obviously belongs to you, and gave her to me.

Abby might have weighed in at 4 pounds, but she thought she was a Rottweiler….whether it was “chase the deer” off the property, or bark at the birds until they flew away….she was fierce.

Abby loved life, and loved people; she made friends everywhere she went. Simple errands took a long, long time as everyone always wanted to pet the “little dog”…..and she absolutely loved it; she was celebrity status!!!!!

Abby loved to snuggle, whether it be in bed at night, on a car ride, or just sitting down watching TV……Abby was right there as close as she could get. I had ramps built for Abby to be able to get up on the couch, in to the bed, etc. whatever it took to make Abby happy….that is what happened. She would love jumping in the middle of laundry coming out of the dryer, and burrow down into the pile so all you could see was her little nose…then when she got too hot, she would crawl out and sprawl out on the bed to cool down.

Abby had some health issues, but nothing medication and a strict diet couldn’t keep under control….thanks to the team at Nooksack Animal Hospital.

Abby’s quality of life was my number one priority. Abby had the beginning stages of kidney failure, and I knew this was going to be a battle that would be too big for Abby to fight. I had to make the awful decision to let my baby go….before she had any pain or discomfort in her life….I miss her terribly, but I know in my heart it was the right thing to do….for her.

I am thankful for every second she was in my life….and wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.

Forever in my heart……

Kami Smith

Rudy was blessed to come to me from the shelter because people kept adpoting him and taking him back to the shelter because they did not understand him. I got to know him and learned his habits, and loved him so much and gave him a great life he could ask for. I was also blessed to have him in my life, because he was a great dog. He was my buddy, I took him everywhere with me. We were so close to each other. I am going to miss him so much

Rudy Witherby


Contessa ( Tessa ) Hendrickson, perfection in fur and paws ( most of the time ). Her life was too short and she is greatly missed.
